Thursday 2 December 2010

Questions on the American Dream

1) Why did the United States government move to the new capital of Washington D.C. in 1800?
2) Why could the United States not stop the illegal importation of slaves despite the 1808 law that made slave importation to the U.S. illegal?
3) Why did the British have so many casualties at the battle of New Orleans despite the war having already ended by peace treaty?
4) How did America acquire Florida from Spain in 1819?
5) How did the U.S. navy finally beat the pirates of Tripoli in 1815?
6) What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823?
7) What was Noah Webster’s greatest contribution to American English?
8) Was Andrew Jackson’s Indian removal act based on racial prejudice or breed?
9) Why did the Texans defend the Alamo in 1836?
10) What did Samuel F.B. Morse mean with his message – “what hath God wrought!” in 1844?
11) Why was the portrait of Benjamin Franklin selected to be on the first adhesive U.S. postage stamp?
12) Why did Japan allow a treaty that forced them to open their doors in 1853?
13) Did John Brown’s raid on Harper’s fairy in 1859 precipitate the American Civil War?
14) What would have happened if Abraham Lincoln have not been shot?
15) Did Seward’s purchase of Alaska cheat the Russians?
16) Why did the United States government wait until 1872 to restore basic civil rights to southerners through the Amnesty act?
17) Was the reconstruction of the South successful? Or did it actually exploit the southern laws?
18) Why did the United States government pass the 1882 Chinese exclusion act that barred Chinese immigration to America until 1920?
19) Why did France give America the Statue of Liberty? And why was it placed in New York harbour?
20) Was the Massacre at Wounded Knee, South Dakota really necessary? Or was it ethnic cleansing?
21) Was the destruction of the United States battleship Maine in 1898 sabotage or a deliberate provocation to start the Spanish American War?

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